小額訴訟制度ガイド小額訴訟制度・ホーム >>


少額訴訟制度とは、日本の民事訴訟において、60万円以下の金銭の支払請求について争う裁判制度である。 民事訴訟法に規定がある。

などでは、わざわざ裁判に持ち込むには、時間の面や費用の面で見合わず、結局、泣き寝入りせざるをえなくなる。そこで、少額の金銭のトラブルに限って、訴訟費用を抑え、また、迅速に審理を行う制度として設けられた。当初は30万円以下の訴訟に限ったが、予想を超える利用があり、また異議申立ても少なかったことから、概ね制度としては好評と見られたようであり、2003年(平成15年)の民事訴訟法改正で取り扱い枠が広げられ、現在は60万円以下を取り扱う。 (ウィキペディアより)




The small suit system is a trial system to fight about payment request of money equal to or less than 600,000 yen in a Japanese civil action. A Civil Proceedings Act has a rule.

By way of background, as one of the solutions of a trouble about payment of the money, I paid it in a trial with the confirmation of the debt conventionally and I demanded the reference of the compulsion executive power and competed. However, a suit amount of money is small;, for example
* The nonpayment of the part-time job part-time job wage
* I am unwilling about the return of the deposit
* The thing which is small by the debt of the personal interval
I cannot but come to swallow it without balancing with an aspect of time and an aspect of the expense to bring などでは into the trial expressly after all. Therefore I held down a legal cost, and only the trouble of small money was arranged as the system that I examined quickly again. I was limited to suit equal to or less than 300,000 yen at first, but there is the use more than the expectation and seems to have been almost seen with a favorable reception for a system because there was little formal objection again, and I handle it by Civil Proceedings Act revision of the (2003) in 2003, and a frame is opened and handles lower than 600,000 yen now. (Than Wikipedia)

The business that the legal means thinks about always comes together with the risk for a vicious client. It may be necessary to borrow the power of the law depending on a case.

In this site, I introduce a small amount of money suit system to deal with such a case.
